
Never in a million years did I imagine this platform. Honestly, who would want it? But for such a time as this, here I am.

I'm an educator, and a stand up comic. More importantly I am a friend, and a husband. My most treasured title will always be "CorbansDad". And I'm writing and singing songs. What just happened? Only God could combine all those things. I'm still trying to make sense of it all--or to make it make sense.

For the time being I'm writing songs that perhaps those who are grieving can relate to. First up, is a song that came to me at lunch one day. I wrote it on a napkin, and then in a text message to myself. Then I got together with some talented friends and boom, a song was born. I hope you enjoy Gonna Leave. And I hope it brings you some peace. If you're hurting, I want to personally say I am sorry, and I'm wishing you hope and peace. My heart breaks for you. I'm hoping to start a community of people who miss someone who left early. More on that later.

If I don't see you soon, I'll see you Somewhere.
